You know what they say - float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! And to make sure you sting like a bee, we have you covered with RDX’s range of boxing gloves.
Handstitched using a patented combat leather, Kalix Skin, this pair of gloves boasts of the latest in hand protection, making sure that you are well protected all the time yet still be comfortable enough for you to pack a good punch!
- Kalix Skin – This engineered combat shell uses multiple layers of laminated leather that serves as an added layer of padding over its shock-consolidating center.
- MG-2 – This unique impact-busting mould greets shock-impact with a layer of compressed EVA and blacktop foam. The hammerhead base coupled with our signature NOVA TECH cut encompasses the knuckles with shock-diminishing padding that breaks down aggressively charged particles from searing through the glove.
- Nova Tech – The Flat Arc Radial Panel breaks charged molecules down through circular motion, dulling the intensity of any strike before it reaches the bones.
- Hepta-Fusion: A signature technique that hand-stitches 7 panels of leather to form a jacket fused together using our proprietary Kalix Skin. Built to combat temperature fluctuations and withstands wear and tear for countless sessions.
- Inner-Aura: Porous inner lining is not only pleasant to the feel but also wicks moisture away from the skin for a dry and comfortable combat experience.
- Quick-EZ: A high quality mid-width cuff is easy to apply and consists of injected foam for added protection.
- Cool-X: Nylon mesh traps cool air while evacuating hot moisture that gets trapped in the gloves’ architecture.