You know what they say - float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! And to make sure you sting like a bee, we have you covered with RDX’s range of boxing gloves.
These boxing gloves may look delicate, but they are not in the very least for the faint-hearted! Handmade with unique Flora Skin outer, these sparring gloves are engineered specifically to fit a woman’s hand anatomy that usually has narrower knuckle breadth and lower bone density.
- Handmade, washable Flora Skin exterior with anti-thumbing lock
- Anatomically cut and stitched to support female fists
- Dazzle Fabric interior with SSP Ventilation System for complementary ventilation
- EVA-LUTION foam padding, suede-sheathed palm with nylon piping
- Wide cuffs with hook-and-loop fastening system